Manik Raina's portfolio

3D Orc character

Created a Orc-like character with complete normal, diffuse, roughness, metallic maps and animations using Blender while learning from a character creation course from Udemy. A high poly model was sculpted first with high details which was retopologized to a lower poly model for faster rendering, next the normal/cavity maps were used to add in the details after which the model's color, roughness, metallic maps were painted.

orc 3D

Here is a short video render (cycles 512) for showcasing the orc's animations with sound effects. The video was rendered on Google cloud using Blender's render in background (headless) functionality

3D Fountain pen

Created a 3D model of a fountain pen in Blender, added golden text engraving using bump vector node passed as normal and a mix shader node.

ink pen

Below is a short video with sound effects which was rendered on Google cloud.

Chai with samosa and chuttni on a wooden tray

Created a 3D model of a glass of chai with a samosa and some chuttni and a tray in Blender, added froth to the liquid using normal and displacement maps. Used depth of field for blurred focus effect and an HDR for the background. Created the glass, plate, tray, chuttni materials using the built-in texture/shader nodes like Glossy shader, and musgrave textures etc.
P.S. I love chai😋


Taj Mahal 3D Model

Created realistic 3D model of Taj Mahal, scaled accurately to real-life, using Blender. The whole model was created in less than a week.

taj mahal

Here is a video render of the same 3D model. which was also rendered on Google cloud, also added some music to it.

3D Cowboy low-poly model fully rigged from scratch, using IK constraints

Created a low-poly 3D model of cowboy in Blender also fully rigged, created animations for walk and waving and used path constraints and NLA editor (Non linear animation) to combine the animations and rendered animation on cloud. Here is a short video with sound effects to showcase the animations.